Wednesday Night Bible Study | January 31, 2024

Wednesday Night Bible Study | January 31, 2024

The greatest mission’s work today is bible distribution. Tonight at Family Worship Center, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel welcome special guest, Patrick Klein, the founder of Vision Beyond Borders. Brother Klein has helped to take tens of thousands of the Expositor’s Study Bibles into Central and South America, Cuba, China, and many more countries. Brother Klein has worked with the underground church in China for over 30 years, carrying bibles across the border in his backpack. The panel reads Revelation 19:11 discussing the Second Coming of Christ, which is the greatest happening in human history yet to come. All the saints will be coming back with Him riding on white horses. With Israel on the verge of annihilation in the Battle of Armageddon, Christ, in all power will do everything that needs to be done. Brother Donnie says God is showing the church the final days, with the current war in Israel, and the evil darkness that plagues the world. Believers need to pray and seek God’s wisdom and a move like we’ve never experienced before. The devil can’t stop what God is doing.