How to export an H.264 (.mp4) file directly from After Effects
Add your project to the render queue to quickly export an H.264 file! This short tutorial will show you the way. 🔔 Subscribe and check out our channel → https://www.youtube.com/adobecare?sub... →    / adobecare  👍 Give us a thumbs up if this video was helpful 💬 Leave a comment below if you have a question 📸 Explore high-quality, royalty-free stock footage from Adobe Stock → https://stock.adobe.com/video ⏱ For faster responses, reach out to us on Twitter or through our chat services →   / adobecare  → https://helpx.adobe.com/contact.html 💡 Check out our other resources to learn more on this topic → https://helpx.adobe.com/support.html