놀라운 우주 발견 5 태양계에서 가장 추운 행성 천왕성 l #우주발견 #행성 #천왕성 #태양계
놀라운 우주 발견 5 태양계에서 가장 추운 행성 천왕성 l #우주발견 #행성 #천왕성 #태양계 The coldest planet in the solar system, Uranus The temperature of Uranus is the lowest in the solar system -224℃, why is such extreme cold possible? Uranus is the seventh planet in the solar system, and is about 2 87 billion km away from the sun But the distance is not the only reason It is because there is almost no 'internal heat' that releases heat from the inside of the planet Unlike Jupiter or Saturn, Uranus' internal heat does not transfer well to the outside In addition, Uranus' atmosphere is mainly made of hydrogen and helium, so it does not efficiently retain heat Surprisingly, Uranus releases more heat into space than it receives from the sun Now you know the secret of Uranus's icy coldness, right? For more interesting space stories, subscribe and like to receive the latest space news by setting notifications