Fate Series - All Openings | Reaction Mashup
Tsukihime Remake is a bonus dumbasses! No need to tell me it's not from Fate series. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Timecodes: 0:00 - Intro 0:09 - Fate/Stay Night 2006 OP1 1:38 - Fate/Stay Night 2006 OP2 3:16 - Fate/Zero OP1 4:39 - Fate/Zero OP2 6:16 - Fate/Stay Night: UBW OP1 7:46 - Fate/Stay Night: UBW OP2 9:22 - Fate/Stay Night [Realta Nua] Fate OP 10:52 - Fate/Stay Night [Realta Nua] UBW OP 12:23 - Fate/Stay Night [Realta Nua] Heaven's Feel OP 14:00 - Fate/Hollow Ataraxia OP1 15:48 - Fate/Hollow Ataraxia OP2 17:22 - Fate/Apocrypha OP1 18:56 - Fate/Apocrypha OP2 20:33 - Fate/Extra Last Encore OP 22:05 - Fate/ Extra CCC OP 23:37 - Fate/Extella OP 25:20 - Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya OP1 26:49 - Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya OP2 28:19 - Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya OP3 29:49 - Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya OP4 31:26 - Fate/Grand Order OP 33:00 - Fate/Grand Order: Babylonia OP1 34:30 - Fate/Grand Order: Babylonia OP2 36:00 - Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos In The Lostbelt OP1 37:38 - Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos In The Lostbelt OP2 39:24 - Lord El-Melloi II's Case FIles: Rail Zeppelin Grace Note OP 40:56 - Carnival Phantasm OP 42:32 - Fate/Grand Carnival OP 44:07 - Today's Menu For The Emiya Family 45:11 - Tsukihime Remake OP1 46:55 - Tsukihime Remake OP2 48:37 - Outro ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This video won't be possible without the reactors, so please be sure to check them out: KingRosé: / kingroséwhatspoppinitsyaboi WeAINTseenIT REACTIONS: / weaintseenitreactions Hiyasu Bros: / hiyasuclan Bruh.itsmike: / channel Don Townsend: / dontownsend Strawboys: / strawboys Shi Wei Lin: / @sushi_melon Lamy99: / @lamy9963 Charlie Vega: / @charlievega994 Scoot: / scootx HoliSofi: / holisofi AlchemistKirito: / alchemistkirito Moontari Reacts: / @moontarireacts Verticy: / verticy Black Genie: / blackgenie BOLDcast: / boldcast 2Cents: / 2centsanime RegaliaF: / regaliaf Sour Taste: / @sourtaste TBD Anime: / channel Allonsyyy: / allonsyyyy ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Outro Song: "Haru wa Yuku" by Aimer • haruhayuku