5 Minute Tennis Elbow Fix!! At Home!!
Home remedy with very little equipment needed for a quick fix and Relief of elbow pain known as Tennis Elbow or Epicondylitis. Using things around your house to help fix the pain makes this video user-friendly to all!! Make sure to perform these movements often over the next couple of weeks to get blood flow, range of motion and gain strength in the affected area. I know the pain at the elbow can be excruciating so start off easy and move slowly through the exercises and stretches even if you are experiencing pain initially. #tenniselbow #epicondylitis #elbowpain #homefixforelbowpain #exercisesforelbowpain #lateralepicondylitis #tenniselbowfix #pickleballelbow #iphoneelbow Recommended Products Amazon link: Tennis/Golfer's Elbow Brace https://amzn.to/3T1eGy0 Soft Therapy Weighted 2-3lb Ball (orange). https://amzn.to/3C5seBH FlexBar (Green) Medium Resistance. https://amzn.to/3E6XbYN Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information.