How To Lower Blood Sugar Levels Naturally With 10 Super Foods!

How To Lower Blood Sugar Levels Naturally With 10 Super Foods!

Diabetes is very prevalent. Millions upon millions of people have it, yet in the United States, one in four don't even know it. Diabetes is the cause of many major complications, like blindness, kidney failure, and amputations. So if you have diabetes or if you are a pre-diabetic, don't you want to know how to manage your blood glucose? Then stick with me because today I'm going to give you 10 foods to lower your blood sugar naturally. This video is intended to be informational only. It is not a medical consultation, nor is it personalized medical advice. For medical advice, please consult your physician. My Book Is Available Now! Under Pressure: A Guide to Controlling High Blood Pressure - Click Here To Get Your Copy! See the full blog post here: Subscribe so you’ll never miss my latest videos.    / @drfrita   ✔️ Instagram:  / dr.frita   ✔️ Podcast: ✔️ Facebook:   / dr.frita   How To Control Blood Sugar Levels Exercise Supplements Manage Stress How To Lower Blood Sugar Naturally With 10 Power Foods! 1. Spices (Cinnamon and Turmeric) 2. Garlic 3. Non-Starchy Vegetables (Asparagus, Broccoli, Artichokes, Cabbage and Avocados) 4. Pumpkin 5. Fish and Shellfish 6. Okra 7. Nuts and Seeds 8. Beans and Lentils 9. Sauerkraut 10. Leafy Green Vegetables Now there are many, many more foods that can help you to lower your blood sugar naturally. And again, there's no one way to control diabetes in and of itself. It's comprehensive. Consult with your physician, and consult with your dietician as well. It's not always easy maintaining a healthy lifestyle, healthy habits, and eating all these healthy foods that help to lower your blood sugar levels. But it is important. Again, diabetes can lead to so many other health issues.