Heart Chakra Yoga Nidra | Self Love and Deep Healing
45 Minute Yoga Nidra for the Heart Chakra | Anahata Chakra | Self Love and Deep Healing Practice with Gentle Music and Chimes On Vancouver Island? Join me on Facebook for upcoming events, workshops and retreats: / yoganidrasacredcircle Follow my journey on Instagram: / kristynroseyoga Practice with me on Insight Timer: https://insighttimer.com/kristynrose School of Living Yoga Online Yoga Nidra Teacher Training: https://allyboothroyd.com/online-yoga... Relax back into this 45 minute guided meditative practice of yoga nidra to connect to the wisdom of Anahata chakra or the heart chakra. The fourth chakra along the seven chakra system, this energetic centre is the bridge between our inner and outer worlds, represented by the air element. This chakra invites us to connect deeply to the essence of our true innermost self and to take the time to consider our own needs and desires in this life. This practice invites you to return home to the heart and to extend loving awareness and energy outward to Self and to all beings. Meeting yourself with kindness and compassion, embody the air element as you send love and compassion to all layers of you, recognizing that love, like air, exists within you and all around you. Thereby strengthening your relationship to Self and all that existed in this world. Cultivate qualities of love, compassion, joy, gratitude, peace and calm. Emerge feeling at home in your body, at home in the heart space. This practice is a reminder that you too, deserve the same loving attention you give out into the world. You are worthy of it. If you liked this video, please click that 'like' button for it really supports my channel. Leave a comment, let me know where you are from, what you liked, and what you would like to see more of. Let me know how I can support you and your practice further. You can subscribe and hit the bell to get notified when new content comes out each and every week :) You might enjoy one of these yoga nidra practices next: 19 Minute Yoga Nidra for the Water Element | Live Nature Sounds: • Yoga Nidra for the Water Element | Li... 20 Minute Yoga Nidra to Reduce Stress: • Yoga Nidra to Explore Pranamaya Kosha... 26 Minute Yoga Nidra Power Nap: • Yoga Nidra Power Nap 24 Minutes 30 Minute Yoga Nidra for Self Love: • Video 40 Minute Yoga Nidra with Ocean Waves for Peace: • Full Moon Yoga Nidra with Ocean Waves 40 Minute Yoga Nidra for Winter Solstice: • Winter Solstice Yoga Nidra | 40 Minut... 43 Minute New Moon Yoga Nidra: • New Moon Yoga Nidra | New Beginnings ... 45 Minute Yoga Nidra for Gratitude: • Yoga Nidra for Gratitude 45 Minute Yoga Nidra for Grounding Vata Season: • Grounding Yoga Nidra for Balancing Va... Thank you so much for joining me today, if you are one of our students in the Transformational Sleep Yoga Nidra Teacher Training, here at the School of Living Yoga I’d love to hear from you in the comments. And if you’re interested in learning more about our online Yoga Nidra Training, I will leave a link below and at the end of this video and in the comments. We have live trainings in Canada and Costa Rica and Online trainings with amazing people from around the world who come together and it’s a beautiful experience. May you be happy, healthy, peaceful and free. Namaste, Kristyn Rose _________________________________________ #yoganidra #newyear #intentionsetting #sankulpa #nonsleepdeeprest #EmbodiedWisdomYTT #OnlineYTT #EmbodiedWisdom200hrYTT #YTT #nsdr #calm #peace #guidedmeditation #healing #sleep #relaxation #relax #heartchakra #anahatachakra