"Weak, Wonder, Worth" | Rev Isaac Johnson | Sunday Service | 17-07-2022 | 09.00 a.m.

"Weak, Wonder, Worth" | Rev Isaac Johnson | Sunday Service | 17-07-2022 | 09.00 a.m.

Sunday Service | 17-07-2022 | 09.00 a.m. Topic : "Weak, Wonder, Worth" Bible Passage : Exodus 17: 8 - 16 Speaker : Rev Isaac Johnson Links: For Bank Details: https://legacy.thekirk.in/giving Theme for the month: Names of God - Jehovah Nissi Theme for the year: Bow down and Worship Verse for the month: And Moses built an altar and called its name, The-LORD-Is-My-Banner Exodus 17:15 St. Andrew's Church The Kirk. Egmore - Chennai - India. Phone : +91 44 2561 2608 / 93613 07288 Email : [email protected] Website: https://www.thekirk.in @Kirk Live Events​ #thekirk #jehovahNissi