CMA Inter Super Revision | Corporate Accounts- Company Financial Statements Part 2
#cmainterjune24 #superrevision #navinclasse #companylaccountingmarahon CMA Inter Corporate Accounts Marathon by CA Avinash Sancheti | CMA Inter Company Financial Statements Revision Navin Classes is the Best CA, CMA & CS coaching in Kolkata as well as in India with the Professional Teachers like CA Navneet Mundhra Sir & CA Avinash Sancheti Sir who also are the founders of Navin Classes. Please subscribe to our channel to get more updates like this. Click on the link to get in touch with us- https://bit.ly/3gaItWY 1️⃣SUBSCRIBE & PRESS BELL ICON / navinclasseswordsofwisdom 2️⃣Book Lectures On Our Website - https://www.navinclasses.com 3️⃣Download Navin Classes App - https://play.google.com/store/apps/de... 4️⃣JOIN TELEGRAM CHANNEL - https://t.me/+cdlPNcADE4E0OTQ1 5️⃣FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM- / navin.classes16 👉For more information 📞CALL @ 9875523445 / 8697723442 👉Mail 💌 us at [email protected]