These Foods Unclog Arteries And Can Prevent A Heart Attack | (MUST WATCH) Health | Daily Health

These Foods Unclog Arteries And Can Prevent A Heart Attack | (MUST WATCH) Health | Daily Health

📌 Every day 125,820 people use this powerful formula to support Healthy Weight Loss .. ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ 👉👉 📌 These Foods Unclog Arteries And Can Prevent A Heart Attack | (MUST WATCH) Health | Daily Health ☘️ Welcome to Daily Health Channel! 🫀Today we will talk about a crucial topic: the importance of a healthy diet to keep arteries clear and prevent a heart attack. Arteries are like the highways of our body, transporting oxygen- and nutrient-rich blood to all vital organs. However, over time and a poor diet, these highways can become clogged by the accumulation of plaque, a mixture of cholesterol, fat and other substances. This can lead to a number of serious cardiovascular problems, such as angina, strokes and even a heart attack. 🍋 The good news is that we can take control of our cardiovascular health through diet. Certain foods have incredible properties to cleanse the arteries, reduce cholesterol and protect our heart. ▶️ Fortunately, there are many foods we can include in our diet to help cleanse our arteries naturally and maintain a healthy heart. Come and meet them and discover their benefits. ⏱️ Timestamps: 00:00 Intro 03:06 Fatty fish 05:12 Avocado 07:15 Nuts and seeds 08:46 Oats 10:40 Apples 14:01 Blueberries 15:45 Tomatoes 17:40 Olive oil 19:43 Citrus Fruits 21:00 Turmeric 22:18 Cinnamon 22:40 Pomegranates 23:30 Green tea 👇Check out more videos about Health 👇 🧨 50 Foods You Must Avoid If You Want To Lose Weight ▶️    • 50 Foods You Must Avoid If You Want T...   🧨 6 Exercises For Women That Will Transform Your Body In Just 4 Weeks! ▶️    • 6 Exercises For Women That Will Trans...   🧨 12 Fruits You Should Eat and 8 You Should Not Eat If You are DIABETIC ▶️    • 12 Fruits You Should Eat and 8 You Sh...   🧨 THE 18 BEST FAT BURNING Foods Women Should Eat EVERY DAY ▶️    • THE 18 BEST FAT BURNING Foods Women S...   🌟 Tags: #health #welfare​ #healthylifestyle ​ #healthtips ​ #heart #arteries #food #cardiovascular #diet #excess_weight #cholesterol #heart_attack #angina 🌟 Tags: health, foods that unclog arteries and prevent heart attack naturally, clean your arteries and prevent heart attack, clean your arteries, cholesterol, prevent stroke, prevent heart attack, heart attack, clogged arteries, clean arteries, unclog arteries, self care, welfare, unclog arteries naturally, blocked arteries, foods that unclog arteries, food for blocked arteries, healthy lifestyle, daily health, cardiovascular, angina, health tips, omega 3, foods, olive oil, us health, diet