nothing - bruno major (cover)

nothing - bruno major (cover)

hi hope all is well! how are you guys? just wanted to let you guys know that I love yall and it means the world that you guys are popping by to see me do my thing :') here's one of my fav songs ever. it makes me go awww🥺 every time I hear it. it also reminds me of my fav person ever and I hope it reminds you guys of your special someone too. much love~ __________________________________________ [ SOCIALS ] Instagram –   / anniedxng   Tiktok –   / anniedxng   [ MY MUSIC ] Spotify – iTunes –   / annie-dang   Soundcloud –   / anniedxng   [ TECH INFO ] SHOP ALL OF MY GEAR HERE! Camera – Canon M50 Lens – 15-45mm, 50mm 1.8f/s, 16mm 1.4f/s Mic – Audio Technica 2035 Audio Interface – Focusrite Scarlett Solo (3rd Gen) DAW – Logic Pro X Video Editing Software – Final Cut Pro X [ BUSINESS INQUIRIES ] [email protected]