The Hobbit: First Time Reactions - The Desolation of Smaug

The Hobbit: First Time Reactions - The Desolation of Smaug

"This was once the city of Dale, now it is a ruin. The Desolation of Smaug"-Balin Smaug is AWESOME.. Benedict Cumberbatch is the GOAT. The second movie mashup from the Hobbit trilogy is here and while this is my favorite out of the trilogy, the dip in quality is very noticeable. The action while I do enjoy, starts to get absurd. You guessed it, the barrel scene, ANYTHING with Legolas, the plan with the gold statue against Smaug, yeah its a lot. And don't get me started with the love triangle. While I personally don't mind, it was NOT needed for this story and should've been cut. Gandalf's STUPID plan to go in alone in Dul Guldur alone is absurd. Wait for help old man!😂. Now the good stuff. I'll say it again, Smaug is AWESOME.. Benedict Cumberbatch is the GOAT, Bilbo is still awesome though he doesn't develop per say, locations in this movie still look great though the CGI is starting to sour as the movies go on. It'll be an eye sour by five armies next week. Hope you all like this mashup, this is a lot of fun to share with you all😃 All reactors in this video ‪@pineappleandlemon‬    • We're going BARREL RIDING | The Hobbi...   ‪@MovieswithMary‬    • TOO MANY SPIDERS! FIRST TIME WATCHING...   ‪@MaryCherryOfficial‬    • (P1/2) FIRST TIME WATCHING The Hobbit...   ‪@VeggieGamer‬    • The Dragon & The Barrel-Rider - The H...   ‪@JadeJoobMovies‬    • My First Time Ever Watching The Hobbi...   ‪@domie‬ ‪@nickreacts6394‬    • *BEST OF THE TRILOGY??* Desolation of...   ‪@VKunia‬    • THEY BROUGHT BACK LEGOLAS IN *The Hob...   ‪@NovaandMomReact‬    • The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug P...   ‪@PopcornInBed‬    • THE HOBBIT: THE DESOLATION OF SMAUG  ...   ‪@LippsReacts‬    • The Hobbit Desolation of Smaug  | Mov...   ‪@amandamiquilena‬    • First Time Watching THE HOBBIT (The D...   ‪@HelloMellowXVI‬    • First Time Watching *THE HOBBIT: THE ...   ‪@AddieCounts‬    • THE HOBBIT: THE DESOLATION OF SMAUG P...   ‪@randomft‬    • The Hobbit is Not Very Good: An Unexp...   ‪@LegenbarryReactions‬    • The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug |...   ‪@DuaffyMS‬    • Reacting to The Hobbit - The Desolati...   ‪@jessaandalexwatch‬    • This... is a movie. ALEX WATCHES THE ...   ‪@robtrinreact2825‬    • The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug -...   Music I see Fire ‪@PeterHollens‬ ‪@taylordavisviolin‬    • I See Fire - The Hobbit - Ed Sheeran ...      • I See Fire - Peter Hollens - w/ Taylo...   ‪@ColmRMcGuinness‬    • I See Fire (The Hobbit) Ed Sheeran Cover   ‪@GeoffCastellucci‬    • I SEE FIRE - The Hobbit | Low Bass Si...   ‪@ameliagething5329‬    • Amelia Gething - I See Fire - Cover   ‪@janetdevlin‬    • I See Fire - Ed Sheeran  (Janet Devli...   1:41:44 I see Fire #hobbit #reactionmashup #desolationofsmaug