Stop Crying, It’s Coming! | Pastor Steven Furtick | Elevation Church

Stop Crying, It’s Coming! | Pastor Steven Furtick | Elevation Church

The best is still to come. In “Stop Crying, It’s Coming,” Pastor Steven Furtick challenges us to stop fixating on what we’ve lost and start focusing on what comes next. #elevationchurch #stevenfurtick #stopcryingitscoming #blessings #perspective #loss #focus #sorrow #2021sermon #onlinechurch #churchonline Subscribe to receive our latest messages: This sermon is available in other languages: Español -    • ¡Deja de llorar, ya viene! | Pastor S...   Português -    • Pare De Chorar, Tá chegando! | Pastor...   на русском -    • Хватит ныть, уже близко! | Пастор Сти...   To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world click here: If you’ve just made a decision for Christ, please respond HERE: See what God can do through you. This is the vision of Elevation Church, led by Pastor Steven Furtick and based in Charlotte, NC with multiple locations throughout the US and Canada. —— Stay Connected Website: Elevation Church Facebook: Elevation Church Instagram: Elevation Church Twitter: Steven Furtick YouTube: Steven Furtick Facebook: Steven Furtick Instagram: Steven Furtick Twitter: Section Titles: 0:00 - Haggai 2, verses 1-9 7:15 - Every Blessing Has A Context 13:23 - You Need A New Template 18:26 - Jesus Weeps With You (John 11, verse 35) 24:00 - Reinventing Your Identity 28:09 - God Wants To Make It Better 31:14 - Speak To What's Left (Haggai 2, verse 2) 37:48 - Stop Crying, It's Coming! 42:19 - You Can't Stop At Disappointment (John 11, verse 38) 46:07 - Calling Forth Joy And Peace (John 11, verse 43) 49:20 - Give God Praise (Ezra 3, verses 10-12) 53:01 - Quit Weeping, Start Working (Ecclesiastes 3, verses 1-4) Stop Crying, It’s Coming! | Pastor Steven Furtick | Elevation Church