Pray this for your child and watch GOD MOVE! | christian parenting | help my child | anxiety

Pray this for your child and watch GOD MOVE! | christian parenting | help my child | anxiety

God is ready to help! Is your child dealing with anxiety, learning disabilities, depression? Maybe youre a homeschool mom having to navigate these challenges or maybe your a single parent or grand parent who’s child is struggling because of the separation in the home. Here’s the good need: Prayer can change ANYTHING! 😃🙏🏼🎉 What we can do in just a few minutes of prayer can change everything! Pray with me and let's see God's glory in our lives today! 🙌 Join the community! Visit 👈🙏🏼 More Power Prayers:🙏🏼 This Will Change Everything, Victory Prayer! -    • This Will Change Everything! Victory ...   GOD, Restore My Child's Mental Health -    • Protect Your Child's Mental Health: B...   Pray for Your Child in Their Greatest Time of Need -    • Pray for Your Child in Their Greatest...   My Child Will Win! -    • SET YOUR CHILD UP TO WIN WITH GOD'S W...   If you are struggling in your prayer life, feel like your prayers aren’t heard, if you are ready to pray with results, this book is a must read: “Pray to Win! 10 Keys to Winning in Life by Being Powerful in Prayer” by Angela Shelly. Amazon: 👈 Be sure to SUBSCRIBE (click the bell 🔔) to catch all the latest prayers uploaded to the channel! 👈 Video editing by ‪@MylesZalewa‬ #christianparenting #pray #childhoodtrauma #prayer #innerhealing #trauma #praytowin #parenting #motherhood #fatherhood Help my child powerful prayer Christian Parenting