How to make a Juicy Flavorful Turkey Burger

How to make a Juicy Flavorful Turkey Burger

How to make a juicy Flavorful Turkey Burger Gina Young style make you some enjoy the recipe if you love a good Burger This Turkey Burger is the way to go you'll love this recipe like we do Gina Young Turkey Burger make you some and enjoy In The Kitchen With Gina Young How To Cook Tutorials on this channel daily Gina Young Cooking Channel #HowToMakeAJuicyFlavorfulTurkeyBurger #TurkeyBurger #TurkeyBurgerRecipe #GinaYoungCookingChannel #GinaYoungRecipes #GinaYoungTurkeyBurger #HowToMakeATurkeyBurger #JuicyTurkeyBurger #TurkeyBurgerRecipe InTheKitchenWithGinaYoung Ingredients Ground Turkey salt pepper garlic and onion powder cheese optional tomato lettuce buns sautéed celery sautéed onions enjoy the recipe