Easter Sunday (2021-04-04)

Easter Sunday (2021-04-04)

EASTER SUNDAY How long? Have you ever asked the question, "How long will this go on?" We have all felt it. You aren’t alone. And you aren’t without hope. Because when you look at the whole story, when you look at life in view of eternity, we have assurance from God that whatever we are going through – in the big picture it won’t be long. Do you feel like you’ve lost hope, and you don’t know where else to turn? It’s ok to not be ok, but know that there is brand-new life for you, in the midst of your struggles. Learn more at: thechapel.com/knowingjesus Talk to someone: 716-631-2636 ___ DISCIPLESHIP A disciple is someone who daily follows Christ and compels others to do the same. As disciples we love God, love the Church, and love the world. Want to know more about what steps you can take towards growing as a disciple? Visit: thechapel.com/discipleship ___ COMMUNITY Community groups are a great way for those that live in the WNY area to connect with other Christ-followers and grow together as disciples. Connection Groups help to connect those who live outside of the WNY area. Sign-up for a group or find out more at: thechapel.com/community ___ CHILDREN & STUDENTS Do you have children and want to find content for them? Visit:    / thechapelstudents   ___ JOIN US IN-PERSON Do you want to join us in-person? We’re currently gathering, at a limited capacity, at our Cheektowaga, CrossPoint and Lockport Campuses, every Sunday at 9am and 11am. For gathering updates and to register for service, visit: thechapel.com/updates ___ GIVE Give toward the things that God is doing here at The Chapel. Go to: thechapel.com/give ___ NEED PRAYER? Do you have a prayer request? Let us know at: thechapel.com/prayer ___ CONNECT WITH US Connect with us every Sunday at 9am and 11am! Subscribe to our channel at    / thechapel   Website: thechapel.com App: thechapel.com/churchcenterapp Facebook: facebook.com/chapelbuffalo Instagram: instagram.com/chapelbuffalo Twitter: twitter.com/chapelbuffalo #thechapel