December 22, 2024
Welcome to worship with us! St. Mark’s is located on Treaty No. 1 land, the traditional territory of the Anishnaabe, Cree, Ininiwak, Anishininiwak, Dakota people, and the homeland of the Métis Nation. As reconciled people in Christ, we are called to be a reconciling people, seeking right relations with one another. We come to the fourth Sunday in Advent. May Love be birthed among, within, and through us. Our service will include communion. You are welcome to commune with us, gather bread or crackers and juice or water so you are ready. Music: ELW 265 The Angel Gabriel from Heaven VU 7 Hope is a Star Alleluia ELW p. 151 Holden Evening Prayer’s Annunciation/Magnificat Sanctus ELW p. 153 ELW 262 Wait for the Lord ACS 949 Keep Your Lamps Trimmed and Burning ELW 439 Soon and Very Soon ELW 263 Saviour of the Nations, Come Music streamed with copyright permission. OneLicense #710035 and CCLI #20580738 free use photos sourced from www.pexels.com and www.unsplash.com