TELL ME 3 POSITIVE THINGS, and 3 NEGATIVE THINGS ABOUT YOU? (TOUGH Interview Question & ANSWER!) By Richard McMunn of: https://passmyinterview.com/50-interv... #interviewquestions #jobinterviews #interviewquestionsandanswers In this next video, I will teach you how to answer the extremely difficult interview question, TELL ME 3 POSITIVE THINGS, AND 3 NEGATIVE THINGS ABOUT YOU! Hiring Managers are using this interview question more frequently during job interviews because it really assesses your ability to THINK ON YOUR FEET! So, if you have a job interview coming up for any role or any organization, make sure you stay tuned, SUBSCRIBE and give the video a like! *********************************************************************** DOWNLOAD MY 50 ANSWERS: https://passmyinterview.com/50-interv... *********************************************************************** TO HELP YOU ANSWER THE INTERVIEW QUESTION, TELL ME 3 POSITIVE THINGS, AND 3 NEGATIVE THINGS ABOUT YOU, I WILL COVER THE FOLLOWING THINGS IN THIS TUTORIAL: #1. I will give you a list of 5 example positive things to say in response to this interview question. #2. I will also give you a list of 5 example negative things to say! #3. I will then give you my own example answer that I believe will score the highest in any job interview! LET’S START OFF WITH MY 5 EXAMPLE POSITIVE THINGS TO SAY IN RESPONSE TO THE INTERVIEW QUESTION, TELL ME 3 POSITIVE THINGS, AND 3 NEGATIVE THINGS ABOUT YOU! #1. Is to say that you are POSITIVE ABOUT CHANGE! This is a great one because all businesses must continually adapt and change to stay ahead of their competitors. #2. Is to say that you TAKE OWNERSHIP OF DIFFICULT CHALLENGES! Anyone who is prepared to step up at work and take on difficult challenges with confidence and resilience is going to be appealing to any hiring manager! #3. Is to say that you ALWAYS GO ABOVE AND BEYOND what is expected! So, another positive thing to say when answering this interview question is that you are the type of person who is prepared to do more than what is generally expected! If you go ABOVE AND BEYOND WHAT IS EXPECTED at work, the hiring manager will feel they are hiring someone who really cares about their business. #4. Is to say that you TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR OWN DEVELOPMENT! If you take responsibility for your own learning and development it saves the employer lots of time, effort, and resources in having to keep training and developing you in the role. #5. Is to say that you are COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE! The majority of employees are happy to do the bare minimum at work! However, if you want to stand out, tell the hiring manager you are the type of person who is COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE AND HIGH STANDARDS in your work! LET’S NOW TAKE A LOOK AT THE 5 NEGATIVE THINGS YOU COULD SAY WHEN ANSWERING THE INTERVIEW QUESTION, TELL ME 3 POSITIVE THINGS, AND 3 NEGATIVE THINGS ABOUT YOU! Now, the trick when telling the interviewer 3 negative things about you is to avoid saying anything that hinders your ability to do a great job for them. Don’t say you are the type of person who prefers to work alone. Don’t say you crumble under pressure, and don’t say you get irritated easily. Instead, here’s what you can say. #1. Is to say that you get EMBARRASSED EASILY. There is nothing wrong with anyone who gets embarrassed easily. In fact, in my view, this shows you are a caring person. #2. Is to say that you sometimes WORRY TOO MUCH! If you told me you worried too much during an interview, it would send a message that you want to do a great job and that you care about what happens at work. #3. Is to say that you are FEARFUL OF PUBLIC SPEAKING. The majority of people are fearful of speaking in front of large groups of people, but most jobs do not require this particular skill! #4. Is to say you FIND IT HARD LETTING GO of projects. Again, this tells me you care about the work you do, and you genuinely want it to be carried out to a good standard. #5. Is to say you’re sometimes IMPATIENT! I personally like employing people who are impatient because they tend to get through more work than the average person! LET ME NOW GIVE YOU MY EXAMPLE TOP-SCORING ANSWER TO THE INTERVIEW QUESTION, TELL ME 3 POSITIVE THINGS ABOUT YOU, AND 3 NEGATIVE! 04:49 MORE GREAT JOB INTERVIEW TRAINING VIDEOS BY RICHARD MCMUNN ON YOUTUBE.COM: How to introduce yourself in a job interview: • How To Introduce Yourself In An Inter... Mock interview questions and answers: • Interview Questions and Answers! (How... CONNECT WITH RICHARD MCMUNN ON LINKEDIN.COM: / richard-mcmunn-coach DOWNLOAD MY 50 GREAT ANSWERS TO TOUGH JOB INTERVIEW QUESTIONS: https://passmyinterview.com/50-interv...