What is Dividend? | Dividend Kya Hota Hai? | Meaning of Shareholder | Meaning of Dividend

What is Dividend? | Dividend Kya Hota Hai? | Meaning of Shareholder | Meaning of Dividend

What is Dividend? DIvidend Kya Hota Hai? Dividends Explained in Hindi Dividend : Meaning, Definition and Types, Dividend kya hota hai, Dividend in Financial Management |shareholder meaning |meaning of share capital A dividend is the distribution of a company's earnings to its shareholders and is determined by the company's board of directors. Dividends are often distributed quarterly and may be paid out as cash or in the form of reinvestment in additional stock. The dividend yield is the dividend per share and is expressed as dividend/price as a percentage of a company's share price, such as 2.5%. Common shareholders of dividend-paying companies are eligible to receive a distribution as long as they own the stock before the ex-dividend date. ======================================== 🔴 This video might be useful for students preparing for - 🫵🏻 11th Commerce #11thcommerce 🫵🏻 12th commerce boards #12thcommerce 🫵🏻 CUET #cuet 🫵🏻 CSEET(CS FOUNDATION ICSI) #cseet 🫵🏻 CA Foundation #cafoundation 🫵🏻 UGC NET COMMERCE #ugcnetcommerce 🫵🏻 LLB #llb 🫵🏻 UGC NET LAW #ugcnetlaw 🫵🏻 Economics Students ======================================== 🔴 In this video- Teacher's Name - CS Payal Popli Topic - WHAT IS DIVIDEND? ======================================== #padhakulog #economics #economicstudent #statistics #economics11thclass #csfoundation #icsi #companysecretary #companiesact2013 #commercestudents #legalaptitudeandlogicalreasoning #cuet #cuetpreparation =============================================== 🫵🏻 Connect with us- 🗣️Instagram- https://instagram.com/padhaku_log?igs... 🗣️Facebook-   / padhaku-log-101091301476679   🗣️Mail id- [email protected] 🗣️Watsapp-9630227777 🗣️Telegram-9630227777 =============================================== ❤️About us: Padhaku Log is a platform specially created for those students who live in remote areas and don’t have access to fancy coaching classes. A channel which wants to bring parity in knowledge level of all.