Doctor Reacts To DRAMATIC Lifeguard Rescues
I’ll teach you how to become to media’s go-to expert in your field. Enroll in The Professional’s Media Academy now: https://www.professionalsmediaacademy... Listen to my podcast, @DoctorMikeCheckup here: YouTube: https://go.doctormikemedia.com/youtub... Spotify: https://go.doctormikemedia.com/spotif... Apple Podcasts: https://go.doctormikemedia.com/applep... Bondi Rescue is an Australian reality show about the lifeguards who work at Bondi Beach in Sydney. They have a YouTube channel where they upload a ton of their most amazing clips, so I decided to take a look and evaluate their skills from a medical perspective. Today we talk about drowning, CPR, chest compressions, the difference between CPR on land and in the sea, dislocated fingers, dislocated hips, seizures, diabetes, blue bottles or jellyfish stings, scrapes, and all other injuries that can occur when surfing or swimming in the ocean. Are there any clips I missed? Let me know down below! Check out the Bondi Rescue YouTube channel here: / bondirescue SCENES: Bondi Lifeguards Resuscitate Korean Tourist Ryan Kim (Dead for 5 minutes!): • Bondi Lifeguards Resuscitate Korean T... Girl Has Severe Allergic Reaction to Peanuts - Faints After EpiPen: • Girl Has Severe Allergic Reaction to ... Top 5 Worst Lifeguard Injuries on Bondi Rescue: • Top 5 Worst Lifeguard Injuries on Bon... Lifeguards Rescue Young Girl Close to Death at Bondi Beach: • Lifeguards Rescue Young Girl Close to... AMAZING Resuscitations on Bondi Rescue: • AMAZING Resuscitations on Bondi Rescue Brave Young Boy Stung By Painful Sea Urchin: • Brave Young Boy Stung By Painful Sea ... Most PAINFUL Blue Bottle Jellyfish Stings on Bondi Rescue: • Worst Blue Bottle Jellyfish Stings on... Seizures on the Beach - Scary Moments for Lifeguards: • Seizures on the Beach - Scary Moments... I LOVE reading your comments and take your suggestions seriously. If there’s a subject you want me to discuss or something you’d like for me to react to, leave a comment down below. Many of my videos have been born out of suggestions directly from you, so don’t hold back! -Doctor Mike Varshavski Help us continue the fight against medical misinformation and change the world through charity by becoming a Doctor Mike Resident on Patreon where every month I donate 100% of the proceeds to the charity, organization, or cause of your choice! Residents get access to bonus content, an exclusive discord community, and many other perks for just $10 a month. Become a Resident today: / doctormike Please SUBSCRIBE for new videos every Wednesday afternoon and Sunday morning! https://goo.gl/87kYq6 Let’s connect: IG https://goo.gl/41ZS7w - Doctor Mike Reddit / doctormike Twitter https://goo.gl/kzmGs5 - Real Doctor Mike Facebook https://goo.gl/QH4nJS - Real Doctor Mike Contact Email: [email protected] Select photos/videos provided by Getty Images * ** The information in this video is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information, contained in this video is for general information purposes only and does not replace a consultation with your own doctor/health professional **