Photoshop 3D text Tutorial | 3D text Poster Design Photoshop

Photoshop 3D text Tutorial | 3D text Poster Design Photoshop

Thanks for watching! This tutorial is all about Creating a 3D text in Adobe Photoshop. I Hope you enjoyed this video, if you like this video then hit like and do SUBSCRIBE to get more video updates. Instagram:   / azmartworks1   Download the Stock Images: Birthday CDP Design Tutorials: Poster Design Tutorials: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shortcut Keys ( All these keys are Lowercase just for understanding representing in Uppercase): V - Move tool B - Brush W - Selection Tool I - Color Picker T - Text X - InterChange Color CTRL + O - Open Images CTRL + SHIFT + S - Save Image CTRL + SHIFT + N - Empty Transparent Layer CTRL + SHIFT + A - Camera raw filter CTRL + T - Transform (resizing images) CTRL + E - Merge Layers CTRL + J - Duplicate Layer CTRL + G - Group Layers CTRL + SHIFT + ALT + E - Merge all layers CTRL + SHIFT + A - Camera raw filter #Photoshop3DText #PhotoshopTutorial How to Create 3D Text - Photoshop Tutorial #photoshop #3d #3dtext