10 Awesome albino animals 🐇🐐🐑

10 Awesome albino animals 🐇🐐🐑

You know, that albino animals are extremely rare. But in spite of this fact, albinos can be met almost everywhere: in the sea, in the air and on the ground, in animal and human world. These unbelievable creatures lack pigmentation. And it happens because of genetic mutations that influence the production of a pigment called melanin. There are special cells, the melanocytes, that are responsible for giving skin, hair, and eyes pigmentation. In albinism, the melanocytes are present, but do not function fully. But not all white animals are albinos. There are other conditions that influence the coloration. For example, leucism, when animals partially loss of color. To differentiate these conditions, we can just look at the eyes, because albinos` ones are generally red. As for the animals with leucism, they have usual eye color. So now let`s have a look at 10 most impressive albinos in natural world.