Profit and Loss - Shortcuts & Tricks for Placement Tests, Job Interviews & Exams
Crack the quantitative aptitude section of Placement Test or Job Interview at any company with shortcuts & tricks on Profit and Loss. Extremely helpful to crack entrance exams like MBA, Banking – IBPS, SBI, UPSC, SSC, Railways etc. Our Websites: https://www.tutorialride.com/ https://www.careerride.com/ #ProfitAndLoss #QuantitativeAptitude #PlacementTest 0:00 Quantitative Aptitude 0:44 Formula 8:00 Ajay incurred loss of 20% by selling a vase for Rs. 2880. To get a profit of 20% at what price should he sell the vase? 11:23 Rambabu sells paper planes at the rate of 20 planes for Re. 1. If he gets profit of 20%, how many planes did he buy in 1 rupee? 14:13 Uma wants to gain 15% profit on her sale of sugar. She buys 120 kg of sugar at Rs. 24 per kg to mix with 180 kg of sugar bought at Rs. 28 per kg. She sells the sugar mix at..... 17:35 Guddi buys some oranges in a shop at 4 per rupee. She goes to other shop and buys same number of oranges at 5 per rupee. She then combines them in a basket and sells them at 4 per rupee. Will she get a profit or loss? And how much? EASY 22:53 Ramesh gets a profit of 20% in one trade and suffers a loss of 20% in the second when he sells 2 cycles for Rs. 4000 each. What 26:46 Simran bought pet food worth Rs. 56000. She then sold 1/3rd of it incurring a loss of 40%. What profit she must earn on rest of 30:57 A sold a car to B at a profit of 25%. Bincurred loss of 15% while selling the same car to C. A spent Rs. 50000 for this car. At what price did C buy it? 33:40 A cheater manipulated his weighing machine so that it shows 1 kg for 970 grams. How much profit does he get? 35:08 Rohit got profit of 11% % by selling his old car. However he realized that had he sold it for Rs. 8100 more, his profit would be 38.5%. At what price did he buy the car? 36:57 Chaman sells 40 fans at 10% profit. He wants a total of 20% profit on the entire sale. Since he got 160 fans at rate of Rs. 100 each, at what profit must he sell the remaining fans? 40:42 Suman buys 160 chocolates for Rs. 480. She wanted to earn 30% profit by selling them. But Rakesh visited her and she gave him 25% of those chocolates at the cost price itself. But even after doing this, she earned a profit of 30% as decided. For how much 44:07 Ramesh sold a statue for a price 25% higher than the original price of the statue. He had however bought the statue at 20% discount on the original price. With the profit of Rs. 2025, find the original price of the statue. 46:42 A shopkeeper earns a profit of 15% after selling a book at 20% discount on the printed price. The ratio of the cost price and printed price of the book is 48:39 The ratio of cost price and selling price is 4:5. The profit 49:27 If selling price of 40 articles is equal to cost price of 50 articles, the loss or gain percent is? 51:19 A fruit seller buys lemons at 2 for a rupee and sells then at 5 for three rupees. His gain percent is? EASY