Autistic Meltdowns: What to do?

Autistic Meltdowns: What to do?

Autism 101 For Busy Parents: Launch date confirmed. See website for details: How To Reduce Unnecessary Anxiety: Course available here: --ABOUT US-- Hello! We are Paul and Shannan from Autism Explained! We help parents understand their autistic children and create healthy supportive environments. By combining the experience of an adult on the Spectrum with a single mum who lives this stuff every day, we set you on the path to regain family harmony and actually enjoy time with your kids! This video is a little bit about us... (see our intro video here    • Autism Explained: Who are we?  ) Paul discovered he was on the Autism Spectrum 4 years ago. Since then he has worked with countless autistic adults and children, as well as teaching parents teachers and students about Autism. He is also an ex-aerospace engineer with a passion for teaching and Emotional Intelligence. Shannan is a single parent and carer of an amazing 9 year old boy on the Autism Spectrum. She is an ex-corporate trainer with a BA, currently studying a Masters in autism studies with Griffith University. Website: Facebook:   /   Email: [email protected]