Ultimate LUMINOSITY Masking Technique in Photoshop | In-Depth Tutorial
Understand the concept behind Luminosity Masks and Blend If in Photoshop, followed by the Top 5 techniques countdown to create Luminosity Mask with maximum control. Compare the differences of each technique and see how to make complicated selections EASY in the final technique. ------ 📸 Start Retouching 10x FASTER with Post Pro Photoshop Panel: https://www.postprotools.com/ ------ ► Skip to ANY section ⏰ TIME STAMPS: 0:22 What is Luminosity Mask? (Luminosity vs Brightness) 2:38 The Zone System 3:21 What is a Layer Mask? 3:42 Top 5 Luminosity Masking Technique Countdown 3:47 Technique #5 (Channel Selections) 8bits 6:05 Technique #4 (Color Range) 8bits 7:56 Technique #3 (Calculations/Apply Image) 16bits 13:46 Technique #2 (Blend If) 16bits 16:57 Technique #1 (???) 16bits 20:10 Reason why Technique#1 is the Best! ----- Remember: Subscribe+Like+Share= New Tutorials! ----- #LuminosityMasks #BlendIf #PhotoshopTutorial