베델교회학교 주일 온라인 예배 | K-1 / 유년 / 초등 | 06.26.22

베델교회학교 주일 온라인 예배 | K-1 / 유년 / 초등 | 06.26.22

God Takes Sin Seriously Ephesians 2 Paul, a missionary and follower of Jesus, wrote a letter to the church in Ephesus Paul taught the believers that God takes sin seriously "Before you knew Jesus, you were dead in your sins You used to live like the people in the world, like those who choose to disobey God We once all lived like that, doing whatever we desired and felt right to us ” The Bible says that God takes sin seriously God says that the punishment for sin is death This is very sad news But God’s plan for people is good news The Good news is that we have eternal life and our sins are forgiven Because Jesus died on the cross for us and was raised from death Jesus defeated sin by rising again in 3 days He has the ultimate victory and in the bible it says, all creation bows to him Everyone who puts their faith in Jesus will receive victory and eternal life