apply text effect to only SPECIFIC WORD - after effects tutorial (updated for 2025)

apply text effect to only SPECIFIC WORD - after effects tutorial (updated for 2025)

(how to apply text effect to only specific word in after effects) plz subscribe, love you guys ✌🖤 link to my discord server:   / discord   _ Join the Members Club and enjoy exclusive CCs and TUTORIALS only for you:    / @imeanitsanabel   _ More tutorials 👇 1: smooth HALFTONE - after effects tutorial:    • smooth HALFTONE - after effects tutorial   2: smooth WHITE FLASH - after effects tutorial:    • smooth WHITE FLASH - after effects tu...   3:smooth GLITCH TEXT - after effects tutorial:    • smooth GLITCH TEXT - after effects tu...   _ Tags: #AfterEffectsTipsAndTricks #TextEffectInAfterEffects #AdvancedTextEffects #MotionGraphicsTutorial #AETextEffects #TypographyAnimation #AfterEffectsLearning #AfterEffectsProjects #DynamicTextEffects #VisualEffectsTutorial #TextAnimationTutorial #TextGlowEffect #CreativeMotionDesign #AETextAnimation #AfterEffectsHelp #AnimatingText #AETextTutorial #AfterEffectsDesign #TextMaskingEffect #MotionDesignTutorial #AEVisualEffects #AfterEffects2024 #AETextTips #TextRevealEffect #AdobeTutorial #MotionTextEffect #TextEffectsMadeEasy #AfterEffectsMagic #AEWordAnimation #TypographyTutorial #NeonTextAnimation #MotionGraphicsDesign _ Keywords : After Effects tutorial, text effect tutorial, specific word effect, After Effects text animation, how to animate text in After Effects, After Effects beginners tutorial, advanced text effects, glowing text effect, neon text effect, text reveal in After Effects, applying effects to text, word-specific animation, AE text tricks, After Effects text masking, how to use text layers, word animation tutorial, typography effects in AE, After Effects creative text, single word animation, AE glowing text tutorial, text effects breakdown, custom text effects AE, animate specific word After Effects, After Effects glowing words, text effects for beginners, motion graphics text effects, AE text styling, word glow effect tutorial, step-by-step AE tutorial.