Yummy Homemade Burgers and Fries |This is so EASY to cook
I hope you'll enjoy the video. Thanks for watching! All of the ingredients are listed at the beginning of the video. You don't need any measurements for this, just watch how I demonstrated. 🔥Things not mentioned: 🍔You may use any type of meat that you prefer, even ground turkey! I used 73/27, but you may use 80/20 (which would PROBABLY be better). 🍔You don't need a ton of different seasonings, salt and pepper is fine. 🍔Try NOT to flip your patties too early and/or multiple times so that you won't interfere with it forming a crust (sear). Also multiple flips may dry it out. 🍔I cooked my burgers on medium heat, try to aim for med OR med/high heat, but adjust the temp accordingly if your meat begins to cook too fast. 🍔Don't OVERCOOK your meat, med -rare ain't gonna kill you, but if you prefer well done then....okay. 🍔Shape your patties a little larger (in diameter) than normal because they will shrink as they cook. 🍔Each time you smash the patty with the spatula, juice will come out of the meat. Do you want a juicy burger or nah??? 🍔Press a hole in the middle of the patty so that it won't puff up while cooking. Making good burgers is all about technique. If you want a juicy burger then make sure your technique is on point! Please watch these helpful tips given in the video. 🎈Thank you for 5K Subscribers🎈 Please help me reach the next milestone by sharing any of my videos on your social media platforms. If you aren't subscribe I hope you'll consider it 💓😌 #howtomakeaburger #cheeseburgersandfrenchfries