Sci Fi and Society Vid

Sci Fi and Society Vid

References: Carey-Hill, D., Groening, M., Cohen, D. X. (Directors). (2008). Futurama: Bender’s Game [Film]. The Curiosity Company, 20th Century Fox Television. id Software. (2016). Doom [PS4]. Bethesda Softworks. LeMarquand, G. (2006). Bibles, Crosses, Songs, Guns and Oil: Sudanese “Readings” of the Bible in the midst of Civil War. Anglican and Episcopal History, 75(4), 553–579. Mousseau, T. A., Nelson, N., & Shestopalov, V. (2005). Don’t underestimate the death rate from Chernobyl. Nature, 437(7062), 1089–1089. Nwaubani, A. T. (2020, January 15). Remembering Nigeria’s Biafra war that many prefer to forget. BBC News. Rone, J. (2003). Sudan: Oil & War. Review of African Political Economy, 30(97), 504–510. Saidin, M. I. S. (2022). US foreign policy, neo-conservatism and the Iraq war (2003-2011): Critical reviews of factors and rationales. Cogent Arts & Humanities, 9(1). VALORANT. (2022, June 20). SHATTERED // Episode 5: DIMENSION Cinematic - VALORANT [Video]. YouTube.    • SHATTERED // Episode 5: DIMENSION Cin...  . PS: Thank you for a great semester, the class was a pleasure as always, and I hope you'll enjoy my exam!