The Book of Colossians KJV HQ Audio Bible Narrated by Max McLean W/Relaxing Worship Pads 🙌 BG Music

The Book of Colossians KJV HQ Audio Bible Narrated by Max McLean W/Relaxing Worship Pads 🙌 BG Music

Youtube Link:    • Audio Books of the Bible with High Qu...   These are Full Audio Books of the Bible (King James Version) Unless otherwise stated in each Book title for special reasons, I use calm & relaxing ambient background music (A paid licensed track titled "The Hidden Valley" from "Soothing Relaxation" Peder B. Helland) Who I highly recommend for his great talents as a composer of music for whatever need you may have for background tracks for projects. Click this Link to visit his website: And this is his Youtube Link:    / @soothingrelaxation   Narrated by Max McLean who is the "Official Voice of the Listeners Bible". He has been nominated for four awards from the Audio Publishers Association for his narration of The Listener’s Bible. His creative work has been cited with distinction by the New York Times, Washington Post, Boston Globe, Chicago Tribune, Wall Street Journal, and CNN to name a few media outlets. This is the Link for His Website: I've given special attention to produce these files with high quality sound, speed & tone/pitch. For the Best ambient experience, Headphones are recommended. For Education and Inspirational purposes, These are great to listen to as you fall asleep, meditate, or just for relaxing background noise at the office or home. The video's also make a great screensaver also. All video footage used in these were created and produced by myself (Gospel Productions by Joe Hackney) If you would like to share these videos, please copy and paste this full description into your description. PLEASE DO NOT RE-UPLOAD THESE VIDEOS AS IF THEY WERE CREATED BY YOU. May you be blessed and grow spiritually as you listen to the Word of God. ~Joseph P. Hackney Mark 16:15 Internet Ministries & Gospel Productions by Joe Hackney You can also follow my other ministry pages on these Social Networks Below   / gospelproductionsbyjoehackney7   / _created     / 2718578098465083