DIY Clay Brush Pen Stand For Beginners |Pen stand Easy Craft|Warli Folkart | #penstandcraft #shorts
DIY Clay Brush Pen Stand For Beginners |Pen stand Easy Craft|Warli Folkart | #penstandcraft #shorts This is made out of paper roll covered with clay and then painted on it the popular and trendy Warli Folkart. It is one of the easiest craft any novice or child can even try. Parents can take it as a creative task to make this along with their kids and can do any types of folkart or modern design as per your choice and preference. #shortsyoutube #96artyart #folkartist #warliart #warliartforkids #warlipaintings #shorts #trendingvideo #trendingstatus #shortvideos #penstandcraft #penstandideas #brushstand #blueandwhite #blueandgold #beginnersguide