Prayer to Our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ | Orthodox Nativity Prayer
Celebrate the joy and mystery of Christ's birth with this beautiful prayer from the Orthodox Nativity service. On this sacred day, we glorify the Incarnation of our Lord, who took on human flesh to bring salvation to the world. This heartfelt prayer invites us to reflect on the profound love of God, the gift of redemption, and the hope that radiates from the manger in Bethlehem. Whether you’re observing Orthodox Christmas or simply seeking a moment of peace and spiritual connection, let this prayer guide you in honoring the wonder of the Nativity. “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!” #orthodoxchristmas #NativityPrayer #jesuschrist #nativity #christmasworship #orthodox #incarnation #glorytogodandjesus #bethlehem #christmasprayer