2 Marks important questions ONE Shot Video Engg. Physics BAS 101/201By Lalit Sir #aktuexam #aktu

2 Marks important questions ONE Shot Video Engg. Physics BAS 101/201By Lalit Sir #aktuexam #aktu

2 Marks important questions one shot video by Lalit Sir #lalitsir #aktu #akturesult #aktuexam #virul #trending #aktuvirul #physics #oneshot #physicsoneshot #BAS101 #BAS201 #akturesult2023 #2marksoneshot #physicsoneshot #enggphysics AKTU RESULT ODD SEM 2023 AKTU PHASE-II Result 2023 Aktu, Aktu b.tech syllabus, Aktu b.tech pattern, Engineering physics, Full engineering syllabus, How to score in semester exam, Engineering mechanics 1st year, 1st year engineering syllabus Help line number 9058830440 Full syllabus @zerocost Recorded lectures PYQs solution topicwise Unit wise formulae For PDF join our telegram channel: https://t.me/EngineersGateWay1 What is a black body? Define black body radiation. Which body is assumed to be perfectly Black? Define Wein's law, Rayleigh - Jean's law? What do you mean by wave partical duality? What are the properties of matter waves? What is matter or de- Broglie waves? Define wave function. What are eigen values and eigen functions? Write the characteristics of wave function. What is the physical significance of wave function? Why Compton effect is not observable for visible light? What is Compton effect? What is Schrodinger wave equation? How matter waves differ from EM waves? What is displacement current? Explain mathematically displacement current. State Gauss law in electrostatics and in magnetostatics. State the Ampere's circuital law. State Gauss divergence theorem. Give the physical interpretation of the Maxwell's equation. What do you understand by equation of continuity? Write the physical significance of equation of continuity. Write Maxwell's equation in free space. What do you mean by electromagnetic waves? State Poynting theorem. Write wave equation in free space. Write the mathematical expression of skin depth. Define Skin depth. What do you mean by interference? Define interference in thin films. Explain the factors responsible for changing fringe width in wedge shaped film. Define Newton's rings. Write down the conditions for bright and dark rings. In Newton's ring experiment fringe width decreases with the increase in the order of fringe. Explain why? Why are fringes circular in Newton's ring experiment? Explain. On which factor the condition of brightness or darkness depends. What do you mean by diffraction? What are the types of diffraction? What happens to diffraction pattern when slit width of single slit experiment increases? Write difference between Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffractions. Define diffraction grating. What do you mean by dispersive power of a plane diffraction grating? How the dispersive power related to order of the spectrum? What is Rayleigh's criterion of resolution? Differentiate between the dispersive power and resolving power of grating. Differentiate the interference and diffraction. Why the centre of Newton's ring is dark in reflected light? What are the applications of thin film interference? Two independent sources could not produce interference. What do you mean by missing orders? Define fibre optics. What is optical fibre? Explain waveguide of fibre optics. What do you understand by total internal reflection? Write down the advantages of optical fibres. What are the functions of cladding? What is acceptance angle, acceptance cone,NA & critical angle? What do you mean by modes in optical fibre? What is attenuation? What is dispersion? What is scattering type loss in fibre? Differentiate between the ordinary beam and laser beam. Define spontaneous emission and stimulated emission. What do you mean by population inversion? Define pumping process into laser How pumping process help to achieve laser action. Explain metastable state. Give few important applications of optical fibre? Which fibres are generally used under sea water? Write down some applications of laser. Why does Ruby laser emits red or pink colour? How is population inversion achieved in He-Ne laser? What precautions are needed to minimise material dispersion? Differentiate between spontaneous and stimulated emission of radiation. Why are fringes circular in Newton's ring experiment? Explain. Explain phase velocity and group velocity. Write the characteristics of wave function. Explain the formation of Newton's rings. Discuss the outcomes of Davisson Germer's experiment. What happens to diffraction pattern when slit width of single slit experiment increases? How can you determine the wavelength of light with Newton's ring experiment? What are Einstein's coefficients? What is the advantages of four level laser systems over three level laser systems? Why Maxwell's proposed that Ampere's law require modification? What do you mean by depth of penetration? Why two independent sources cannot be coherent? Write the assumptions of Plank's hypothesis. Explain the necessity of extended sources. Engineering Physics by lalit sir Engineering Physics by lalit rathi Engineering Physics by lalit rathi sir Engineering Physics by lalit kumar rathi sir