Oh Come Little Children, Suzuki Book 1 - in performance tempo!
If you pay attention to the bow scheme, you will see it is always the same! "up - long - short short - long - short short - long - short short - soft (stop in the middle and do it again!) The whole song is a repetition of this bow scheme. And pay attention to the string crossings so they sound beautifully too:-) In this video,I play the piece with precise bow division and "beginners technique", i.e. without vibrato and other more advanced techniques, so you can focus on the basics! If you dont have strips on your own bow, it can be helpful to put some on, or use chalk to divide the bow into four even parts so that you can copy a precise bow distribution:-) For a slow play along, click here: • Make this Tricky Bow Scheme Easy by C... A video like this can be very helpful, but remember that it can never replace your teacher. Please always follow your teachers advice, as even within the Suzuki program, the teachers playing and instruction can vary slightly from one another and this should by no means confuse you! Always confirm with your teacher as he/she knows how to help you best! Find more helpful videos on this channel: Suzuki Book 1 SLOW practice: • Twinkle Variations - How your teacher... Suzuki Book 2 SLOW practice: • Video Suzuki Book 3 SLOW practice: • Video Suzuki Book 4 SLOW practice: • Seitz Violin Concerto nr. 2 in G Majo... Join me and my wonderful Team at the Violin Garden Summer Academy, a five day Suzuki program in Vienna, Austria. More information at www.violingarden.com Find a Suzuki Teacher in your area: Austria: www.asiom.at Europe, Middle East and Africa: https://europeansuzuki.org US and Canada: https://suzukiassociation.org/find-a-... Asia: https://asiaregionsuzukiassociation.org Japan: https://www.suzukimethod.or.jp/english/ Australia: https://www.suzukimusicnsw.com.au/fin... The piano accompaniment in this recording is arranged and performed by David Andruss. It was produced by the German Suzuki Institute in 2001 under its own copyright; it belongs to the test files of the Step by Step Series volume 1A.