🔴Holy Mass - 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time | 20-Oct-2024 | Fr James Shamaun Production Live Stream

🔴Holy Mass - 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time | 20-Oct-2024 | Fr James Shamaun Production Live Stream

29th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B Sunday, October 20, 2024 Venue : St Thomas The Apostle Catholic Church, Wah Cantt Pakistan First Reading Isaiah 53:10-11 Through his suffering, the servant of Yahweh will justify many. Responsorial Psalm Psalm 33:4-5,18-19,20,22 A prayer of praise for God’s mercy Second Reading Hebrews 4:14-16 Jesus is the high priest who sympathizes with our weakness. Gospel Reading Mark 10:35-45 (shorter form Mark 10:42-45) Jesus teaches that those who wish to be great must be the servant of all. ► BROADCASTING by: IT Team, St Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church, Wah Cantt, Pakistan Please follow us on Instagram https://instagram.com/frjamesshamaun?... Please follow us on Facebook.   / james.shamaun   ►► MOBILE PAYMENTS Name : James Shamaun Easy Paisa Account: +923065393243 Jazz Cash Account: +923065393243 Any uploading of our audio/visual content is strongly prohibited and the result will be ending up with a strike, copyright infringement notice & penalties. Subscribe to our channel All copyrights are reserved. #healingprayer #frjamesshamaun #HealingPrayer #frjamesshamaun #midweekprayer #faithandwellness #DivineHealing #spiritualstrength #PeaceAndWholeness #sacredconnection #communityprayer #graceandmercy #PentecostPreparation #WholeNightPrayer #wahcantt #StThomasCatholicChurch #frjamesshamaun #holyspirit #faithjourney #pentecost #trinity