Put THIS 😮 on Your Foggy Headlight and WATCH WHAT HAPPENS

Put THIS 😮 on Your Foggy Headlight and WATCH WHAT HAPPENS

How clean foggy headlights? Foggy and yellow headlights not only look dirty but can make your lights less bright. Keeping them clean is a cinch and you don't need to buy expensive cleaners and kits to make them bright either. Just use this one ingredient, I guarantee you already have this. If you don't have this item, you'll be spending a lot of time and money at the dentist. To clean your headlights, you might also want some rubber gloves, a washcloth and a bucket of warm water. Did you try it? Comment and let me know how it worked for you! Featured in this video: White toothpaste https://amzn.to/2ZfdY9Z Disposable non-latex gloves, great for cleaning https://amzn.to/3n9FrSh We may earn a commission when you shop through our links (and you'll get a cleaner home). Other videos you'll love: Put this around your toilet and see what happens    • Put THIS Around Your Toilet and WATCH...   Put this IN your toilet and watch what happens    • UNBELIEVABLE ⚡ Put This Powder in You...   ➡️ Clean Freak & Germaphobe Amazon Favorites https://www.amazon.com/shop/cleanfrea... ➡️ SUBSCRIBE TO C&G https://bit.ly/36PMsBi BEST EVER! Dupray Neat Steam Cleaner: https://cleanfreakandgermaphobe.com/neat Or on Amazon https://amzn.to/3txVb4m McCulloch Steam Cleaner: https://amzn.to/3E1agA1 Tineco VacMop: https://amzn.to/3181gu2 Bissell Crosswave Vacuum Mop: https://amzn.to/3I0QIhu or from Bissell www.cleanfreakandgermaphobe.com/bissell Favorite Microfiber Cloths: https://amzn.to/3xwAurp