Dimash - When I've Got You (Lyrics)
#whenivegotyou #dimash #dimashkudaibergen #lyrics Making my way Way down south to the river Been lost for days 'Cause I'm looking for freedom There's nothing but chains around me But I won't be broken 'Cause I'm gonna fight this time Fight every moment Not gonna lie It hurts this time 'Cause I am feeling Alone on this side Not gonna lie I come back to life When I've got you You are my gateway to heaven If I ever knew in my life My love, oh, my baby You are the best thing to happen I've got an angel down here Angel right here Watching every single Thing and every little Step that I take You make it all worth it baby, oh Finding my place Just a man in a man's world Making a name Ain't easy these days But when I come home To your sweet love You're my slice of heaven I've got my ride or die In my arms all night Not gonna lie It hurts sometimes When I am feeling alone On this side Not gonna lie I come back to life When I've got you You are my gateway to heaven If I ever knew in my life My love, oh, my baby You are the best thing to happen I've got an angel down here Angel right here Watching every single Thing and every little Step that I take You make it all worth it baby, oh Not gonna lie It hurts sometimes When I am feeling alone Alone on this side Not gonna lie I come back to life When I've got you You are my gateway to heaven If I ever knew in my life My love, oh, my baby You are the best thing to happen I've got an angel down here Angel right here Watching every single Thing and every tittle Step that I take You make it all worth it baby dimash, dimash reaction, reaction, dimash when i've got you reaction, when i've got you, dimash qudaibergen, reaction video, dimash when i've got you, dimash kudaibergen, when i've got you reaction, #whenivegotyou, reaction to dimash, dimash kudaibergen reaction, dimash qudaibergen when i've got you, #dimash, dimash qudaibergen reaction, 迪玛希, #dimashqudaibergen, dimash live reaction, mv, kudaibergen, first time hearing dimash, dimash first reaction, dimash qudaibergen when i've got you reaction, димаш кудайберген, roscoe, run bts eng sub, bts reaction first time, big comfy couch, bts buddy, mail time, rise of bangtan, blood sweat tears, mic drop, when ive got you, dimash reactions, dimash lyrics, burning up, idol, deep dive, not today, dope, reactor, dimash when i've got you mv, lyrics, qudaibergen, #reactionvideo, димаш, react, dimash when i've got you lyrics, stray kids, exo, dimash reaction first time, army, dimash when ive got you, txt, one ok rock reaction, live performance, seventeen, dance practice, dynamite, #whenivegotyoubydimash, best reaction, first reaction, music reactions, reaction to bts, first time hearing, reaction to dimash sos, reaction to dimash sos live, dimash live, first time, first time reaction, first time reaction to dimash, pop, dears, dimash sos, music reaction, official, music, i love dimash, dimash sos reaction, #ilovedimash, blues, i've got something to say, #dimashreactionvideo, bts reaction, dimash when i've got you new song reaction, dimash when i've got you mv reaction, dimash vocal coach reaction, when i've got you dimash mv, vocal range, when i've got you dimash reaction, dimash when i've got you fancam, dimash performing live, dimash reaction video, ive got something to say, sos reaction, indian reaction, dimash covers, i've got something to say ii, beautiful, reacting to dimash, dimash when i've got you sub, first time reacting to, reacting, first time reacting to dimash, first dimash reaction, reacting to dimash music video, new dimash reaction, reacting to dimash when i've got you, reacting to when i've got you, vortex lawrenz, #dimash #dimashkudaibergen #dimashqudaibergen #dq #迪玛希 #димаш #димашкудайберген, sabina, dimash music video, millennialxreactions, mxr, dimash monday, the sabina channel, #dimash #kudaibergen #reaction, #dimash #whenivegotyou #songreaction, singer reacts, first reaction to, dimash - when i've got you, #musictradition, reactions, qofy, first time reacting, first time watching, dimash first time reaction, react to, qofyreacts, #jillianandjeremy, #officialvideorelease, #musicianlife, #musicpromotion, #dimashvampire, #jeremyandjillian, dimash kudaibergen when i've got you reaction, dimash when ive got you reaction, ashlenamusic, ashlena, ave marie, vampire, new song, music video, vinyl of the day, vinyls, firs time listening to dimash, sos, live, vinyl, vinyl collection, #dimashexperience, #dimashjourney, #audioengineer, #music, #guitarist, #musician, #musicreaction, #musicproducer, dimash when i've got you new video reaction, dimash when i've got you first reaction, ybplaysmusic reaction, kaireem reactions, ybplaysmusic, dimash dears, ybplaysmusic dimash, #rabbithole, #vampiremusicvideo, #vampiremagic, #musicchallenge, #dimashchallenge, #musicinnovation, #vampiremusicvideoexperience, #experience, #musiccollaboration, #dimashsounds, #dimashkudaibergen, #musicvideo, #musicmagic