The Seventh Sunday after Pentecost | Holy Eucharist at 11 am, Sunday, July 16, 2023

The Seventh Sunday after Pentecost | Holy Eucharist at 11 am, Sunday, July 16, 2023

00:00 Procession Hymn ("Word of God, come down on earth", Words: James Quinn; Music: Liebster Jesu, J.S. Bach) 03:29 The Opening Acclamation and Collect for Purity 03:57 Gloria (St. Bart's Choir; Missa Bell' Amfitrit' altera by Orlande de Lassus) 08:06 Collect for the Seventh Sunday after Pentecost 08:55 The First Lesson (Isaiah 55:9-14) 10:12 Psalm 65 (St. Bart's Choir, Anglican Chant by Gerre Hancock) 12:04 The Second Lesson (Romans 8:1-11) 14:05 Hymn ("Almighty God, your word is cast like seed"; Words: John Cawed, Music: St. Flavian) 16:21 The Holy Gospel (Matthew 13:1-9) 18:34 The Sermon (The Rev. Canon Stephanie Spellars) 43:14 The Nicene Creed 44:54 The Prayers of the People and The Confession of Sin 50:18 The Peace, Welcome, and Announcements 56:30 Holy Communion: Anthem: "Christ, He requires still"", Words: Christ's Part, Robert Herrick; Music: The Best of Rooms, Gerald Near) 58:24: Hymn (302, "Father we thank thee"; Words: Greek ca. 110, tr. F. Bland Tucker"; Music: Louis Bourgeois) 1:01:18 The Great Thanksgiving 1:02:16 Sanctus (St. Bart's Choir; Missa Bell' Amfitrit' altera by Orlande de Lassus) 1:03:43 Communion and Lord's Prayer 1:07:17 Agnus Dei (St. Bart's Chor; Missa Bell' Amfitrit' altera, Orlando de Lassus) 1:11:55 Anthem ("The earth adorned in verdant robe; Words: Carl David; Music: Sommerpsalm) 1:15:18 The Prayer After Communion and Blessing 1:16:11 Hymn 530 ("Spread O spread thy mighty word"; Words: Bahnmaier, Farlender, Douglas; Music: Gott sei Dank) 1:18:57 Dismissal and Organ Postlude (Prelude Fugue and Ciacona, Dietrich Buxtehude) Download the worship leaflet to follow along: