HOW TO JOURNAL FOR MENTAL HEALTH 💙 » Journaling Prompts to Release Anxiety + Negative Emotions

HOW TO JOURNAL FOR MENTAL HEALTH 💙 » Journaling Prompts to Release Anxiety + Negative Emotions

How to Journal for Mental Health 💙» Beginners Journaling Exercise to Start Journaling for mental health, Self Improvement & Anxiety. Perfect to Release Negative Emotions! (Included: Journaling Prompts + Free Guide) -------------------- ✨Download the Free Journaling for Mental Health Exercise ✨ ↳ Which includes Journal Prompts to help you release anxiety and your negative emotions 💛 -------------------- Journaling! 💛 It’s one of my favorite things to do and is something that has helped me TREMENDOUSLY on my mental health journey. BUT, I also fully know that sometimes journaling can be intimidating, especially for in this video, I am laying out a very easy, simple, and dare I say fun (lol) journaling exercise for how to journal for mental health. This exercise includes journaling prompts for anxiety and to help you release negative emotions. This year (and last) have been filled with tons of ups and downs, and in some cases an increased dose of anxiety, so don’t feel bad if you have a lot of emotions to work through! Take your time through the process and give yourself some grace on this mental health journey - healing is on the other side 💛And I'm here in it with you too my friend! Don’t forget to download the exercise worksheet to help walk you through all of the journaling prompts! I can’t wait to hear how it all helps! LET’S GO!!! #naeslaugh #journalingformentalhealth #journalingpromptsformentalhealth #journalingforanxiety ✨ D I G I T A L J O U R N A L I N G A P P ✨ ↳ 📱Journey App ✨ C A T C H U P ✨ ↳ 📘Easy Journaling for Beginners    • JOURNALING FOR BEGINNERS ✨» Easy + Ef...   ↳ ☀️Habits for more positivity + happiness    • HABITS OF VERY HAPPY PEOPLE ☀️» Lifes...   ↳ 🍃Prompts to Find your core life values    • WHAT ARE YOUR CORE VALUES IN LIFE? 🤓 ...   ↳ 🤔 Why you lack self-awareness    • DO YOU REALLY KNOW YOURSELF? 🤔 » Reas...   ↳ 🤓Embrace your quirks unapologetically    • Embrace Your Quirks UNAPOLOGETICALLY ...   ✨ T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S ✨ 0:00​ Journaling for mental health 1:09​ What is mental health? 1:52​ How can journaling help? 3:33​ Journaling for mental health exercise 9:38​ Purpose of this journal prompt exercise ✨ R E S O U R C E S ✨ ↳ 🌟Free Guide to Discover Your Top 5 Core Values Today ↳ 💖Free Journaling Exercise to Release Negative Emotions ✨ F A V O R I T E T O O L S ✨ ↳ Tube Buddy ↳ Epidemic Sound… ✨ R E A C H O U T ! ✨ ✉️ e-mail | [email protected] ✨ L I K E & S U B S C R I B E ! ✨ Don't Miss Out! If you find this content helpful, hit the LIKE (so more people like you can find it) and SUBSCRIBE and hit that BELL so that you know when I post next. Can't wait to see you in the next as we continue the journey of building an intentional & authentic life! 🤩 ✨ S H A R E W I T H A F R I E N D ✨    • HOW TO JOURNAL FOR MENTAL HEALTH 💙 » ...   ✨ D I S C L A I M E R ✨ Please note that while I will, at all times, exercise my best professional efforts, skill, and deep care, the content I provide should not replace the care of a licensed therapist or health care provider. If you are in need of psychological counseling, therapy, or medical advice, please seek assistance from your doctor. Much love my friend! ---------    • HOW TO JOURNAL FOR MENTAL HEALTH 💙 » ...   Sending you SOO much love! 😍