घर पर मोबाइल स्टैंड कैसे बनाएं( Origami Phone Stand)। 💯%real
💯 % real 11:16 0:00/7;48 Description DIY - Origami Phone Stand/Holder 4.0- Vertical and Horizontal! @Hacker_army1 N/A A Likes 4,922,641 Views Subscribe to (live hacker ) 2019 Feb 10 How to make an origami Phone Stand / Holder (version 4). *** Vídeo em Português: O· DIY - Suporte de Celul... X In this video, I show you how to make a holder that will leave your smartphone both horizontally and vertically for you to watch what you want. This base is triangular and resembles a pyramid. In my research it seems that the creator of this model was Yamaguchi Makoto. I just modified the method and created my own explanation, making it easier for everyone.