Inserting photos into the Photoshop and creating Photoshop files (Lesson 3)

Inserting photos into the Photoshop and creating Photoshop files (Lesson 3)

In this video, I have discussed how you can insert photo in Photoshop and how you can setup canvas for your design and save it as a Photoshop document. This lesson, Inserting photos into the Photoshop and creating Photoshop files (Lesson 3) is in 2 versions as always. You can either watch the English or the Bangla version. Subscribe to this channel from here:    / rakibul2010islam   Source of images: Photo by Matan Segev from Pexels English Subtitle: Hello viewers! I am Rakib. In this lesson, I will show you how you can insert an image into the Photoshop and How we can set up canvas for your design and then Save it as a Photoshop document. There are a couple of ways to insert an image into the Photoshop You can do it by going to file Open and Then you can choose, you can locate your image and then click open to open it into the Photoshop and let's close it There is an easier way to do it. You can just Drag it and drop it into this area And it will be opened into the Photoshop. This is easy and quicker way and When one image is inserted into the Photoshop you can Again choose another image and try to insert it into the Photoshop when you see there is a plus sign and That moment you can drop it to insert the second or Some other images if you want to but You can't drag it and drop it into the middle like the first image you inserted because if you do that Let me show you Like this if you drop it here then it will not open as an individual image rather it will be a Smart object. If you enter it you Can see Just create a regular layer. You can see a different symbol here and That makes it a smart object. It's not like a regular layer, so It has some smart features as well and Like if you Make it smaller or Increase his size then The quality of the image will remain intact that means you can increase it or decrease it without Without affecting its quality and That's not the property of any regular layer in Photoshop so there are a lot of other features for Smart Objects and Let's close this file. Now, Let's see how we can set up a canvas for your design and then save it as a Photoshop document Go to file, new and Then you can type name for a file. I will call it Photoshop Sample and Preset: You can choose any of the preset, size like letter or Photo Or International Paper, A4 size. You can select any of the preset that will set your width and height But if you have a specific dimension then you will put that value like this. 1000 and Let's put it 600 like this You can set it like that and change the unit whatever you like, pixels, inches, centimeters, millimeters and if you don't have a specific dimension, then you can just choose any of the preset option. Just letter, or A4 size anything and Go to the other options. The resolution is 300 so far I know if you put anything less than the 300, then that will affect the quality of the image, so For your design or any other purpose you will always choose it for the resolution at least 300. That's a pretty good resolution and the unit is the Pixel Per Inch That is, PPI. Pixels are the lowest unit of an image and The color mode. Right now, you can see this color mode is set as RGB That is Red, Green, Blue. Three color combination. RGB is suitable for any kind of computer graphics or web graphics. If you want to design for Printing purposes, then you need to click the CMYK color Because that's the color move used for printing purposes. The Grayscale is Different gray colors shade and Bitmap and lab colors are not used that much and You will set it to 8-bit what is set right now. It determines the maximum number of colors that you can use Into this document and the background contents will be white you can choose whatever you want and but you can change it later, so In the Advanced section, you don't need to change anything right now. You can just Whenever everything is set You can just click OK to get your desired canvas, and then you can start doing your design and also, you can insert your image Like this drag and drop to the canvas. As I said already, it's now opened as a smart object We can increase Size of this image. Just set it like this.... If you are looking for any of these terms: photoshop, photoshop tutorial, adobe photoshop, inserting photos in photoshop then this video is for you.