October 31 2021  "All Souls day" -  Holy Mass

October 31 2021 "All Souls day" - Holy Mass

October 31 2021 "All Souls day" - Holy Mass Rector: The Very Reverend Arokiadas Arumainathan. The Sunday Holy Mass is celebrated at 8:30 AM. Do note that per GOJ protocol places of worship must accommodate no more than fifty persons. The Sunday Holy Mass is also Live-streamed to our YouTube channel and Facebook page. + + ONLINE TITHES, OFFERINGS AND DONATIONS ARE ACCEPTED. DO GIVE GENEROUSLY. KINDLY MAKE DEPOSITS TO: ACCOUNT NAME: ROMAN CATHOLIC ARCHBISHOP OF KINGSTON HOLY TRINITY CATHEDRAL RECIPIENT TYPE: BUSINESS RECIPIENT'S BANK: SCOTIABANK JAMAICA BRANCH NAME: LIGUANEA BRANCH - 90365 ACCOUNT TYPE: CHEQUING ACCOUNT NUMBER: 000652135 ACCOUNT CURRENCY: JMD For further information visit our website: https://cathedralofthemostholytrinity... Powered by Restream https://restream.io/