Thick Tattoo Lines
Full Follow Along Video Coming Soon! Free + Premium Tattoo Stencils & Gear Available At danielyuck.com I am using the Inkclaw 45RS for this thicky. https://www.inkclaw.com/products/inkc... I am also using the Ai Tenitas Prophet T100 Tattoo Machine. https://www.aitenitas.com/products/pt... Use DANIELYUCK for 40$ off your T100 ! Should you have any questions feel free to drop it in the comment section below and I will do my best to assist you in the best possible direction. Don't forget to subscribe to Lyla Yucks Youtube Channel to watch more tattooing videos! / lylayuck Don't forget to subscribe to Lili Yucks Youtube Channel to watch awesome piercing videos! / liliyuck Any specific questions you may have tattoo related you will be able to ask and receive reliable and educated answers in a timely manner by joining my Patreon. PLEASE NOTE there will be limited availability on certain tiers for quality control purposes / danielyuck Don't forget to to ring that bell & hit that subscribe button for more content like this. Follow me @DanielYuck on Instagram, Facebook, & Twitter for more videos like this, FREE pro create brushes, tattoo tips & tricks, & more. / danielyuck / danielyuck / danielyuck / danielyucktattoos If you’re interested in tattoo gear I will link you to solid tattoo products that I can feel recommending to you all first hand. Everything that I link below I have personally use, used and have tested out. By purchasing from one of the links I may receive a small percentage that will go towards new tattoo ventures for this channel. I appreciate your support. You can download the list of gear I use or have used right here https://www.mediafire.com/file/uly3fo...