25 April 2021: Fourth Sunday of Easter Mass
Please join us for Mass live from the University of North Dakota's St. Thomas Aquinas Newman Center at 10:00 am CT. Dear Viewers, This will be the last livestreamed Mass for the semester, Sunday April 25th. It has been great to have such a loyal following for over a year since the pandemic began in March 2020. Now, the Sunday Mass obligation is reinstated from Bishop Folda starting the weekend of May 1-2, and students and faculty are getting ready for graduation soo. It is a good time to wrap things up for our LIVE broadcast. We still may broadcast a special event in the future. I know if you need a LIVE broadcast in coming weeks, you can view the stream at 10 am from St. Mary’s Cathedral on the Diocese of Fargo YouTube Channel. Blessings on Sunday! Peace, Fr. Luke Meyer Pastor