WHAT I ATE ON OMAD / OPAD  -1 PLATE -1 BEVERAGE -ONCE A DAY -IN 1 HOUR. 4/11/2024 #shortvideo

WHAT I ATE ON OMAD / OPAD -1 PLATE -1 BEVERAGE -ONCE A DAY -IN 1 HOUR. 4/11/2024 #shortvideo

WHAT I ATE ON OMAD / OPAD -1 PLATE -1 BEVERAGE -ONCE A DAY -IN 1 HOUR. 4/11/2024 #shortvideo Hi and Welcome to Aprils 2024 OPAD Challenge, One Plate / One Beverage / Once a day, In One Hour. We will also be fasting two days a week. Watch Aprils OPAD Challenge for full details.    • Aprils 2024 OMAD /OPAD, One Plate / O...   ########FAST AT YOUR OWN RISK######## Consult your drug dealing doctor before fasting....... This plan is to help those who are gorgers. Let's see what the Queen Bee has come up with. She is pretty smart that's why she is the Queen Bee. Plus she spits outs lots of baby bees. This challenge is easier than Marches' challenge but harder in different ways because you are eating more days a week. We will be following Joe Holman from his O-MAD Revolution YouTube channel but with some tweaks. This plan follows How to Eat One Meal a Day (O-MAD) - The Advanced Weight Loss Plan for 2023 (and Beyond) video. I added this video and some other great videos from Joe down below.    • How to Eat One Meal a Day (OMAD) - Th...   @OMADRevolution Step1. Download the LIFE FASTING TRACKER and join The Fasting Beehive Circle https://lifefastingtracker.app.link/C... so we can see everyone fasting hours. Step 2. Join the Facebook group called The Fasting Beehive. / 1055880705497831 I'll then add you to The Fasting Beehive Facebook group chat to chat with everyone in real time. Or you can send a Hi, on the chat option link, https://m.me/ch/AbbnM7sHlwOi7pf_/ and I can add you from there. It's up to you to leave the chat. ########FAST AT YOUR OWN RISK######## Consult your drug dealing doctor before fasting....... PAST HISTORY I started on Aug 1st, 2023, lost 17lbs up to Sept 14th, 2023, got down to 353.6 lbs. from 371.5 lbs., then died off. But On Nov 10th, 2023, I got a Carnivore challenge from the Against the Grain Channel with Ryann Murphy On Nov 10th 2023. Since then lost some more weight and got down to around 344lb and been bouncing around mid 340 and low 350 bassterd pounds lol The journey continues lol Check out my other Youngstown Ohio and Beyond food review channel called FatBassterds @FatBassterds https://www.mynetdiary.com/ is the app I use for calorie counting, weight tracking, workout tracking, etc #OneMealEating, #TimeRestrictedEating, #IntermittentFasting, #EatStopEat, #TimFerrissOMAD, #EatPrayLoveOMAD, #OneMealADayDocumentary, #OneMealADayPodcast, #OneMealADayCommunity, #WeightLoss, #EnergyBoost, #GutHealth, #MentalClarity, #SkinHealth, #SleepImprovement, #Detoxification, #Autophagy, #HungerManagement, #SocialSituations, #NutrientDeficiencies, #InitialDiscomfort, #FindingTheRightMacros, #omad, #KetoOMAD, #VeganOMAD, #VegetarianOMAD, #PlantBasedOMAD, #onemealaday, #OMADforBusyPeople, #OMADonABudget, #OMADforAthletes, #OMADforWomen, #OMADforMen, #OMADOver50, #OMADwithDiabetes, #OMADonYouTube, #OMADInstagramTips, #OMADTikTokCommunity, #OMADRedditForum, #OMADFacebookGroup, #OMADBlogPostIdeas #oneplateaday #OneMealaDayRecipes #OneMealADayMealPrep, #WhatToEatForOneMealADay, #OneMealADayGroceryList, #OneMealADayMotivation, #OneMealADayResults, #OneMealADayBeforeAndAfter, #OneMealADayHealthBenefits #carnivore, #carnivorerecipes, #carnivoremealplan, #carnivoredietforbeginners, #carnivoredietweightloss, #carnivoredietresults, #carnivorediettips, #carnivoredietsuccessstories, #carnivoredietbenefits, #carnivorelifestyle, #carnivoredietplan, #carnivorefood, #carnivorecommunity, #carnivoremeals, #carnivoreketo, #carnivorehealth, #carnivorefitness, #carnivoreweightloss, #carnivoretransformation, #carnivoremealprep, #carnivorechallenge, #carnivoreapproved, #carnivoreinspiration, #carnivorejourney, #carnivorelife, #carnivorewayoflife, #IntermittentFasting, #FastingBenefits, #HowToFastingForBeginners, #WhatToEatWhileFasting, #DifferentTypesOfFasting, #BreakingAFast, #SideEffectsOfFasting, #IsFastingSafeForMe, #FastingForWeightLoss, #FastingForAutophagy, #FastingForMentalClarity, #FastingForGutHealth, #FastingChallenges, #ReligiousFasting, #FastingTipsAndTricks, #MyFastingJourney, #FastingMistakesToAvoid, #FastingQandA, #FastingAppsAndTools, #MythbustingFasting, #16_8Fasting, #OMADFasting, #5_2Fasting, #WaterFasting, #DryFasting, #KetoFasting, #AlternateDayFasting, #FastingInRamadan, #FastingForLent, #FastingForYomKippur, #FastingForDetox, #FastingForEnergy, #FastingForSleep, #FastingForSkinHealth, #FastingForHairGrowth, #FastingForBeardGrowth, #FastingForMuscleGain, #FastingForAthletes, #FastingForWomen, #FastingForMen, #FastingForOver50s, #FastingForBeginnersOver40, #FastingForBusyPeople, #FastingRecipes, #EasyFastingMeals, #FastingHacks, #FunnyFastingMoments, #FastingMotivation, #FastingCommunity, #TheScienceOfFasting, #TheHistoryOfFasting