Partnership Final Account class 12th | Chapter 01 | practical problem 06 | Page No 59
#partnership #partnership_final_account #class12 Important Adjustment Covered in this video...👇 👉 0:00 - Introduction 👉 0:24 - The stock on 31st March 2018 was valued at Cost price Rs.12000 and Market price Rs.17000 👉 1:23 - Our customer Mr.shankar could not pay his debts of Rs.800 👉 2:55 - 1/8th of Patents are to be written off 👉 4:25 - Depreciation on Land & Building and Furniture (Additional furniture Rs.5000 is purchase on 1st October 2018) 👉 8:53 - Outstanding Wages Rs.300 and Electricity charges Rs.200 👉 10:53 - Interest on Capital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . # • Partnership Final Account class 12th ... #journal_entry_class_11 #how_to_calculate&gst_return_amount #imransir #scafamily #class11 #accountancy #introduction #youtubeeducation #accountingequation #personal #real #nominal #golden_rules_ka_basic #classification_of_account #Trade_Discount #Cash_Discount_for_11th #Trade_discount_Cash_discount_कैसे_निकाले #SCA_FAMILY #11th #12th #accountancy #imransir #basic #scafamily He'll guys..... welcome back to our youtube channel sca family i hope you have all good. in this video let's discuss about how to classified account into personal, real and nominal. ________________________________________ नमस्कार मित्रांनो, SCA Family या यूट्यूब चॅनल वर तुमच्या सर्वांचे स्वागत आहे. आशा करतो तुम्ही सर्व चांगले असाल. या विडिओ मध्ये आपण शिकणार आहे account चे वर्गीकरण. _______________________________________ या चॅनल वर तुमच्या साठी अजून पण खूप सारे वेग वेगळे विडिओ उपलब्ध आहे. एकदा वेळ कडून नक्की बघा. आणि लाईक, कॉमेंट आणि शेअर करायला विसरू नका. More Playlist ...👇 12th Class (Bk) • Partnership Final Accounts for Class ... 11th Class (Bk) • 11th Commerce (Book keeping &Accounta... 12th Class (English) • English (12th ) Join our Whats app Group https://chat.whatsapp.com/G6dvVM9nWcG... Follow on Instagram @Mr.Imoo (Pathan Imran) #education #freeeducation #youtubeeducation #youtbeviral #classification_of_accounts #types_of_accounts #classificationofpersonalaccount #classification of accounts class 11 ,personal account,classification of accounting,real account,classification of accounts & golden rule of account, classification of account, classification of accounting theory classificatio of accounts, classification of accounts in hindi, classification of accounts in accounting,accounts, basics of accounts #finalaccount