Mobile USB Tethering Greyed Out Solved Fixed

Mobile USB Tethering Greyed Out Solved Fixed

This video shows how to enable the greyed out USB tethering option from the Android mobile tethering and hotspot choices, which is also useful for those who want internet access to their desktop computers without using cables that connect PCs and Routers. If you're having problems connecting your mobile hotspot to your computer through USB and the USB TETHERING option is greyed off, this short video will help. I've been attempting to connect my PC to my mobile hotspot using USB tethering but discovered that the USB tethering options are greyed out or cannot be turned on despite connecting my connection to both the PC and the mobile. Step 1: Enable Developer Mode / Options Developer Options -- Networking Tab -- Tethering Hardware Acceleration -- On Ensure in Default USB configuration -- USB tethering Step 2: Connect usb cable to both ends and job done. How to enable the Developer Options on Galaxy A13:    • Samsung Galaxy A13: How to enable the...   ------------------------ Buy Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra here: Pelican Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra Camera Lens Protector: