Portal Pads | Minecraft Bedrock Command

Portal Pads | Minecraft Bedrock Command

Portal Pads are very useful for long-distance travel, just jump into the portal and you will instantly get to your destination. Not only you can use it, but any living organism in Minecraft can also enter the portal to be teleported to the other portal. This command was created in Minecraft Bedrock 1.19.81 Structure File will be released when this video reached 48 hours:   / discord   TimeLapse: 00:00 - Intro/Description 02:31 - Commands 23:15 - Final Testing Commands: /tag @s add user /scoreboard objectives add switch dummy switch /scoreboard objectives setdisplay sidebar switch 1st - testfor @e[tag=user,hasitem={item=snowball,location=slot.weapon.mainhand}] 2nd - scoreboard players add @p[tag=user] switch 1 3rd - scoreboard players set @p[tag=user,scores={switch=3}] switch 1 4th - execute as @p[tag=user] at @s run playsound respawn_anchor.charge @a[r=50] 5th - execute as @p[tag=user] at @s run tag @e[type=snowball,r=3] add marker 6th - execute as @p[tag=user] at @s run playsound mob.shulker.shoot @a[r=50] 7th - execute as @e[tag=marker] at @s if entity @p[tag=user,scores={switch=1}] unless entity @e[name=portal1] run summon armor_stand portal1 8th - execute as @e[tag=marker] at @s if entity @p[tag=user,scores={switch=2}] unless entity @e[name=portal2] run summon armor_stand portal2 9th - execute as @e[tag=marker] at @s if entity @p[tag=user,scores={switch=1}] run tp @e[name=portal1] ~~2~ 10th - execute as @e[tag=marker] at @s if entity @p[tag=user,scores={switch=2}] run tp @e[name=portal2] ~~2~ 11th - execute as @e[name=portal1] at @s run tp ~~~~-10 12th - execute as @e[name=portal2] at @s run tp ~~~~-10 13th - execute as @e[name=portal1] at @s unless entity @p[tag=user,hasitem={item=snowball,location=slot.weapon.mainhand}] run particle minecraft:portal_reverse_particle ~-0.5~-2~-0.5 14th - execute as @e[name=portal2] at @s unless entity @p[tag=user,hasitem={item=snowball,location=slot.weapon.mainhand}] run particle minecraft:portal_reverse_particle ~-0.5~-2~-0.5 15th - execute as @e[name=portal1] at @s unless entity @p[tag=user,hasitem={item=snowball,location=slot.weapon.mainhand}] run particle minecraft:basic_flame_particle ^^-1.5 ^-2 16th - execute as @e[name=portal2] at @s unless entity @p[tag=user,hasitem={item=snowball,location=slot.weapon.mainhand}] run particle minecraft:blue_flame_particle ^^-1.5^-2 17th - execute as @e[name=portal1] at @s unless entity @p[tag=user,hasitem={item=snowball,location=slot.weapon.mainhand}] run tp @e[y=~-1.5,dy=-1] @e[name=portal2] 18th - execute as @e[name=portal2] at @s unless entity @p[tag=user,hasitem={item=snowball,location=slot.weapon.mainhand}] run tp @e[y=~-1.5,dy=-1] @e[name=portal1] 19th - execute as @e[name=portal1] at @s run tp @e[name=!portal1,r=1] ^^-2^2 20th - execute as @e[name=portal2] at @s run tp @e[name=!portal2,r=1] ^^-2^2 21th - effect @e[name=portal1] invisibility 1 1 true 22th - effect @e[name=portal2] invisibility 1 1 true 23th - execute as @e[name=portal1] at @s if entity @e[tag=marker] if entity @p[tag=user,scores={switch=1}] run tickingarea remove portal1 24th - execute as @e[name=portal1] at @s unless entity @e[tag=marker] run tickingarea add circle ~~~ 4 portal1 25th - execute as @e[name=portal2] at @s if entity @e[tag=marker] if entity @p[tag=user,scores={switch=2}] run tickingarea remove portal2 26th - execute as @e[name=portal2] at @s unless entity @e[tag=marker] run tickingarea add circle ~~~ 4 portal2 27th - execute as @e[name=portal1] at @s run playsound portal.portal @a[r=30] 28th - execute as @e[name=portal2] at @s run playsound portal.portal @a[r=30] Music used in this video: Unity - The FatRat:    • TheFatRat - Unity   Minecraft BG:    • 30 Minutes of No-Copyright Minecraft ...   Track: ROY KNOX - Lost In Sound Music Provided By: Magic Records Listen To The Original:    • ROY KNOX - Lost In Sound (Magic Free ...   Fanlink: https://fanlink.to/lis 3 days off ko, lupet! #Minecraft #GameOver23 #MinecraftPE #MinecraftBE