Jesus Turns Water Into Wine (John 2:1-12) | Bible Study | Panem Project
Bible Study of the book of John covering the miracle Jesus performed in turning water into wine. In our last video, we looked at the end of John, chapter 1, where John the Baptist declares Jesus as the Messiah and the first disciples follow Jesus. In this video, we begin John 2:1-12, section titled, Jesus Turns Water into Wine. Jesus was on a mission to save the world, the greatest mission in the history of the world. Yet he took time to attend a wedding and take part in its festivities. We may be tempted to think that we should not take time out of our work for social occasions. But maybe these social occasions are part of our mission. Jesus valued these wedding festivities because they involved people, and Jesus came to be with people. Our mission can often be accomplished in joyous times of celebration with others. Bring balance to your life by bringing Jesus into times of pleasure as well as times of work. Weddings in Jesus’ day were week-long festivals. Banquets would be prepared for many guests, and the week would be spent celebrating the new life of the married couple. Often the whole town was invited, and everybody would attend – it was considered an insult to refuse an invitation to a wedding. To accommodate many people, careful planning was needed. And the groom had the financial responsibility. To run out of wine was more than embarrassing; it broke the strong unwritten laws of hospitality. Because of a lack of water purification process, during ancient times, wine was typically diluted with water which was safer to drink than having water alone. So running out of wine may have even opened up the groom to a potential lawsuit from the relatives of the bride. Jesus was about to respond to a genuine need. In verse 4, Mary was probably not asking Jesus to do a miracle; she was simply hoping that her son would help solve this major problem and find some wine. Tradition says that Joseph, Mary’s husband, was dead, so she probably was used to asking for her son’s help in certain situations. Jesus’ answer to Mary is difficult to understand, but maybe that’s the point. Although Mary did not understand what Jesus was going to do, she trusted him to do what was right. Those who believe in Jesus but run into situations they can’t understand must continue to trust that he will work in the best way. Mary submitted to Jesus’ way of doing things. She recognized that Jesus was more than her human son – he was the Son of God. When we bring our problems to Christ, we may think we know how he should take care of them. But he may have a completely different plan. Like Mary, we should submit and allow him to deal with the problem as he sees best. People look everywhere but to God for excitement and meaning. For some reason, they expect God to be dull and lifeless. Just as the wine Jesus made was the best, so life in him is better than life on our own. When the disciples saw Jesus’ miracle, they believed. The miracle showed his power over nature and revealed the way he would go about his ministry – helping others, speaking with authority, and being in personal touch with people. Miracles are not merely extraordinary events, but events that demonstrate God’s power. Almost every miracle Jesus did was a renewal of fallen creation – restoring sight, making the lame walk, even restoring life to the dead. Believe in Christ not because he is a superman but because he is the God who continues his creation, even when we are poor, weak, crippled, orphaned, blind, deaf, etc. In the last verse, Jesus went to Capernaum after the wedding. Capernaum became Jesus’ home base during his ministry in Galilee. It was located on a major trade route and was an important city in the region, with a Roman garrison and customs station there. At Capernaum, Matthew was called to be a disciple. The city was also the home of several other disciples and a high-ranking government official. It had at least one major synagogue. Although Jesus made this city his base of operations in Galilee, he condemned it for the people’s unbelief. With verse 12, the chapter transitions with Jesus’ movement from Cana in Galilee to Capernaum and eventual arrival at Jerusalem for the Passover celebration. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ We hope to bring encouragement, motivation, and reach people for Jesus through our channel. The channel includes Mission Based Videos, Bible Studies, and Spoken Word Poetry. The mission of Panem Project is to raise money to financially support long term missionaries around the world. We strive to fulfill this mission through the creation of faith based apparel and accessories. Every purchase helps raise money for missions. Please Subscribe and share with friends who love missions! Thank you! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Website ➤ https://panemproject.com/ Instagram ➤ / panemproject