Forces of Nature 🍀 Shamanic drumming 🌕 Spiritual tribal music 🍀 Shaya meditations
...to remind people that we're allotted a little space on earth and that we survive in that wilderness that can take back what it has given, as easily as blowing its breath on us or sending the sea to tell us we are not so big. When we forget how close the wilderness is in the night, my grandpa said, some day it will come in and get us, for we will have forgotten how terrible and real it can be. Forces of Nature 🍀 Shamanic drumming 🌕 Spiritual tribal music 🍀 Shaya meditations - Experience a mesmerizing journey with shamanic music, of spiritual awakening as you immerse yourself in the enchanting sounds of shamanic female singing and entheogenic shamanic drums music. Allow the soothing shamanic ambient and meditative music to guide you towards a state of deep relaxation and inner peace. Let the powerful rhythms of world shamanic ambient transport you to a higher realm, as the shamanic woman connects with her inner self through trance-inducing melodies. This North shamanic woman invites you to explore the depths of your soul and embark on a transformative meditation journey like never before. 🌕Shaya Meditations is here to present you with original, instrumental music that is perfect for shamanic and spiritual practices, deep meditation, deep trance, as well as for entering deep states of altered consciousness, relaxation, meditation and deep sleep. In my compositions I use mainly ethnic instruments from different countries of the world such as: African djembe, frame drum, shamanic tambourines, shamanic wooden percussion, flutes, cello, Mongolian national instruments, in combination with electronic music and ethnic singing and songs of different nationalities of the world! IMAGE AND VIDEO 🌕Video Design by Shaya Meditations 🌕Music by Shaya Meditations 🌕Music created in the FL Studio program 🌕All rights reserved under YOUTUBE license! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🌕WATCH this video🌕    • HEALING SONG 🦅 shamanic drumming 🍂 sp...     • My Spirit 🦋 Shamanic drumming 🦅 Spiri...     • Following the wind 🦅 Shamanic drummin...     • Mistress of the forest 🍂 Shamanic dru...     • Spirit of the Earth 🌲 Shamanic drummi...  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shaya Meditations is here to show you relaxing music, deep sleep music to help you fall asleep quickly, and healing music and mantras. This music is well suited for problems with sleep and insomnia, as well as for yoga, meditation, spiritual practices, spa, massage, and for deep relaxation. #shamanicmusic #shamanicmeditation #shamanicdrumming #tribalbeats #shamanicdrummingmeditation #forcesofnature #shamanicdrums #shamanicambient #peacefulmusic #worldethnicmusic #flutemusic #epicmusic #ethnicmusic #nativeamerican #powerfulmeditation #calmingmusic #shayameditations